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About Me

With a limitless spirit and an old soul, she wanders near and far, off the beaten paths. She follows her self made path to her dreams of being perpetually free and remaining selfless. Her gypsy pirate ways and her uncanny inner strength have enabled her to see and do much and have given her the ability to see subjects either in a much different perspective or simply what others have not yet seen to be able to photograph.


Not afraid of going against any grain she constantly reaches out for new experiences and knowledge whether, earthbound, sky bound, water bound, cooking, realism in people, appreciation of different cultures.


Her first love being of her family, friends and animals of which she holds close with great emotional abandon. They let her be her, she lets them be them (some of it's pretty crazy), she loves them being them and they love her being her, each allowing the other, if you will, to experience in their own way.  Never an angry word or anything astray, it's almost a perfect life some might say (except for uncle phil who gets mad when she takes no gun, when on the path of a mtn rim) but her second, to be within nature.


Whether high atop a wind blown mtn, to chasing waves on the jetties to tracking down the den of yipping coyote pups, chasing the lightening back on high, all in one day, only to end up capturing an injured bat and taking him home.(the bat still lives at her La Pine home). She dances while driving, pretends ballet in her living room, recently started kickboxing exercises, biking, motorcycles, kayaking, muddy quad rides, hiking and enjoys working with her hands. Avid fisher and hunter.  Enjoys several genres of music, specifically blues.


She strives to experience all in between. She wants to embrace the uncertainty of heart and mind, she maintains no regrets.  She wants to live in the purest place in the hearts of all but mostly herself. Everyone calls her a free soul, a stubborn soul, very down to earth and private, an enigma...strong and vulnerable, tame and wild. she values herself from no ones eyes.  This is half her peace, half her freedom, this is her, behind the photos.


Cara has published 2 short stories; Long Distance Love & A child of an alcoholic speaks out, she has also published a collection of poetry, Secret Souls- A bridge across,  and is currently working on a second collection as well as an auto biography and a table top book. Additionally there are several business articles. With a background in Law and Environmental Engineering, it is hard to imagine the rigorous confines of these two, coupled with being a single parent to the person she is today.


*Section approved by a few that know Cara in many aspects.

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